Wednesday, September 3, 2008

So big!

I can't stand how quickly this kid is growing! It seems just like yesterday when he looked like this:

And now he's such a big boy! He rolls and rolls like it's nothing at all, and he's closing in on being able to sit by himself. Right now he does what they call "tripoding." Diaper changing has become an ordeal because he simply prefers to be on his stomach and now he can make that happen, instantly.

He loves playing soccer:

And spending time in this little activity center that we've come to call "The Office" because he can get such a stern little bossy tone to his voice when he's talking to the turtle and the duck:

Also, today was his second day of daycare. Today went so much better than yesterday did--it was so hard to leave him there that first time. He was happy and curious while I was there, but when I handed him to "Miss Jessica," his lip started to quiver, and there was this wild little toddler who kept making these crashing, banging noises. It was just all too much for Peanut and he started crying. I couldn't leave him like that, of course, so I stayed for about 20 minutes and he was calm, if not happy, when I left. He had a decent day, they told us, marked by intermittent bouts of crying, no good naps, and copious spit-up.

But today I only stayed for a few minutes and it sounds like he had a really good day. Miss Jessica reports that he likes to watch the big kids through the window, playing in their preschool classroom.

We're so lucky to have found this daycare. I know it's only been two days, but we couldn't be happier with it. If we have to leave him with someone who isn't family, the Easter Seals people seem just top-notch.

1 comment:

Judit said...

Hello dearest Rachel E and B! How can he look exactly like both of you simultaneously? Clever kid.
I'm *SO* feeding this on my google reader. Keep it coming!!